The British government also tries to keep quiet UFO sightings because of a lack of funds to deal with them, said former Ministry of Defense UFO Project chief Nick Pope. 前英国国防部不明飞行物调查部门负责人尼克・蒲柏表示,英国政府也试图对UFO目击事件保持沉默,原因是资金匮乏。
Everyone is interested, says one British banker who advises hedge funds on going public. 一位为对冲基金提供上市咨询服务的英国银行家表示:所有人都有兴趣购买对冲基金股份。
"If you try to get rid of these people, you'll bring down the functioning state," says an official operating the" temporary finance mechanism "set up by the British and French to channel donor funds. “如果你想赶走这些人,就要推翻这个已步入运作的国家。”一位运营着“临时金融体系”的官员说道,该体系是为英法汇入救济金而成立的。
Chris Ruffle is a British fund manager who has worked in China for decades and manages successful funds for Martin Currie. 克里斯拉弗尔(ChrisRuffle)在是一名在中国工作了几十年的英国基金经理,他为马丁可利(MartinCurrie)管理的基金都很成功。
The British government plays the role of macro-administration in institutions of higher education which consists of development planning, allocation of funds and quality control. 英国政府对高等教育机构进行宏观管理,主要包括制订发展规划、分配拨款和质量评估。
The Bank of England had developed from a ordinary private joint-stock bank to British central bank, which could attribute to several aspects, such as economic factors, the needs of government in raising funds, the protection of the Charter of Bank of England and so on. 英格兰银行能够从一家普通的私人股份制银行发展成为英国的中央银行,是与当时的经济发展、政府筹款的需要、英格兰银行特许状的保护等因素分不开的。
The wide range of sources of funding in British sport, single-pot funds allocated is the major distribution way. 英国体育资金来源广泛,单点运作的资金划拨方式是现行英国体育资金的主要分配方式。
Since then, the British government has been trying to perfect its policy system for spreading English overseas and has obviously accumulated rich experience in its guidelines, organizational construction, supply of funds, ways of implementation, and technological updating. 从那以后,英国政府不断完善其海外英语推广政策体系,在对外语言推广的指导思想、组织机构建设、经费补给、实施途径、技术更新等方面凝炼了显著的经验。
The research on financial development can be traced back to the earliest 1873, by scholars for British industrial revolution Bagehot economic development situation of investigation, found that financial development can provide to industrial departments to provide the funds needed for the industrial revolution made an important contribution. 关于金融发展的研究最早可以追溯到1873年,由学者Bagehot对英国工业革命时期经济发展状况进行考察时,发现金融可以向工业部门提供所需资金,为工业革命作出了重要贡献。